Thursday, October 23, 2008

Okay -- here we go

I've wanted to start this blog for months now, but just haven't had an opportunity. I've been so busy with a myriad of activities and responsibilities. To illustrate the types of tasks I've been undertaking let me tell you what my husband just said. He asked me if I could stay "old-fashioned" "so I could churn up some ice cream." But in all fairness, my prince redeemed himself immediately by throwing me a reduced fat, sugar-free fudgecicle while saying, "Even bloggers need energy." I love this man!

To bring everyone up to speed, Greg and I are in the latter stage(s) of an international adoption. We're adopting an infant boy (birth to 12 months) from Ethiopia. As of today it has been six months and five days since we sent our Dossier off to Ethiopia. (Not than I'm counting, of course.) According to our agency's initial estimate, we should have received a referral in five to seven months. But due to Ethiopia's recent two-month (August/September) court closure, the court is inundated with adoptions. Subsequently this has caused an overflow in our agency's orphanages and transition home. We learned last week that the agency will not provide any referrals to waiting parents until they get children out of the orphanages and transition home and to the States with their families. They're hoping this will change in November, but as we learned early in this process, all bets are off. Anything can happen. The one thing we've learned during this ordeal is that we are in control of nothing and everything is subject to change at a moment's notice.

BUT, we are resilient and of strong faith. So I will continue to sit on my hands (as I used to tell daughter Brittany so she wouldn't get into trouble) and wait. After all, patience is a virtue.

Habakkuk 2:3
For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

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