Sunday, November 16, 2008

Well, here I am at the conclusion of another busy weekend. It's passed by in what seems like the blink of an eye.

I didn't leave my office until about 7:15 Friday evening, but that's okay. I'm looking forward to the holidays and if spending a few extra minutes here and there in the office allows me to eventually spend a little less time in the office in the coming weeks, then that's the price I'll gladly pay.

Saturday, Greg and I golfed (independently) in a charity golf tournament for Jupiter Christian School. Although Greg and I used to be avid (which is actually an understatement) golfers, I've kind of lost my love for the game. This is really attributed to a shift in priorities. As we get closer to the end of this adoption, I've just had so many other things on my mind. Plus I've easily been able to find other things to spend my spare four to five hours per weekend on. But I must say I had a really enjoyable time participating in Saturday's outing. One of the members of my golf foursome -- who was actually the reason I agreed to participate in the outing -- was my friend Wendy. I seldom get to spend time with Wendy, but the beauty of our friendship lies in the fact that despite great lapses in time, we can virtually "pick up where we left off". Wendy is a gem of a person with a heart of gold. She always has a smile on her face and a positive outlook on everything. Additionally, she has the quickest wit of perhaps anyone I know. I really had a terrific time!

Saturday evening Greg and I attended the Jupiter Christian School dinner auction as guests of our friends, Maria and Dom.. Maria was the major organizer of this year's event and she did a fabulous job. The food was fabulous as were the setting and atmosphere. We had a truly enjoyable time with our friends. And not only that, we were also the successful bidders for a year's membership at the Palm Beach Yacht Club. I look forward to sharing many wonderful dinners there with my wonderful husband during the coming year.

Although the above-mentioned events are fabulous ( sorry, but I LOVE the word fabulous) in and of themselves, I participated in the most meaningful event this afternoon. After a truly inspiring service at church this morning I stayed afterward to tag clothing we parishioners purchased for residents of Casa Shalom orphanage in Guatemala. As I tagged and folded I found myself scrutinizing each and every child's information card. The cards included a photo of the child and they really spoke to my heart. I prayed to God to look after these children as I folded and tagged their items. This was a special undertaking in that we were able to obtain an information card for a specific child residing at the orphanage. We were then tasked with purchasing an entire outfit for them--pants, shirt, shoes, underwear and socks. But it didn't stop there -- we were also asked to hold on to the card in order to pray for the individual child. So as these items are packed and our pastoral staff prepares to hand-carry them to the children at Casa Shalom, I blanket them all with prayers and blessings.

And that, my friends, concludes another fabulous week in the DuBose family adventure...

Peace and blessings to all...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Way to go, Dolphins! Dolphins????

I had the pleasure of attending a Miami Dolphin game yesterday with my lovely hubby, Greg, and my TFF's (that's Truly Fabulous Friends), Wendy and Mark. What a wonderful day!

As a life-long, die-hard Pittsburgh Steeler fan, the weather was a bit warm for my traditional football taste. I'm used to tailgating in Sorels and woolen underwear. Speaking of tailgating, Wendy and Mark hooked us up! We had cheese and crackers, all-natural all-beef brats, yummy Fire & Ice salad and scrumptious sweet potato pie with praline pecan topping! Gosh I'm hungry just thinking about it! Oh, and not only did they hook us up in the food department, but Wade gets a special shout out for putting up with us as our chauffeur. Thanks, Wade!

The Dolphins won (narrowly) which made for a great game. The energy in the stands was infectious, which makes me think I just might have to become a Dol-Fan. But don't worry, Big Ben, Troy and Hines. I will never forsake you! Now, where IS my Terrible Towel????

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Wow, what a week!

We've been unbelievably busy here in the DuBose household this past week, hence the lack of a post. Although our lives are always full of work and home-life responsibilities, this past week has involved a lot of extra-curricular activities as well. Here is a brief recap.

Halloween - What a night! As expected we had a steady procession of trick-or-treaters beginning at about 5:45. We saw some great costumes and some "what-were-their-parents-thinking" costumes. The pinnacle of the latter being a group of five teenage girls dressed as Native American Indians. Whoa! Let's just say they didn't spend a lot on the fabric...

Saturday post-Halloween - Again, what night. We went to a client's costume party. We had a fabulous time and met some fabulous people. I'm pleased to say we won 2nd place for the best "Couples" costume.

Sunday - A truly fabulous day. Our pastor delivered a wonderful message at church. We came home and just chilled for the day. Greg watched his Miami Dolphins (who actually won another game) and made us a most scrumptious dinner of honey-garlic glazed beer can chicken on the grill. Mmmmm... good!

Tuesday - Again, what a night!!! My dear friend, Todd, and his friend (our new BFF), Sarah, drove up from Miami to watch election results. Todd lives in Las Vegas and "Sarah Montana" lives in, well - Montana. Both Todd and Sarah will be in Miami on business for two weeks. We are honored that they would drive 96 miles (each way) to spend time with us. Todd and I have been friends for almost eight years but we only see each other every couple of years or so. It goes without saying, this night was doubly special for me!

And finally, it is the weekend. I love Saturdays! I've always like the weekend, but the older I get the more I find myself LIVING for the weekend. This "living" usually begins late Friday morning as I start counting down the hours until the end of the work day. I, like most people, am physically spent by the end of the week, with nothing left to give. Additionally, I don't think I'm acclimated to the end of daylight savings time yet. I was exhausted by yesterday morning, as evidenced by my forgetting to turn the water off in the pool .. (Although I'm not certain why I'M the one who has to remember to turn it off since there are two adults residing in this household... Plus, I didn't put the hose INTO the pool. But, I digress...)

I'm concluding this post with a photo of our new "vanishing edge" pool.
Happy Saturday to all, and to all a great weekend!